BRisc Visions and Objectives

Various types of programs and courses are organised throughout the year, with the help of Allah (swt), to help cater the intellectual and spiritual needs of the youth of our communities.

Bab al-Ridha Intensive Short Course provides a different type of exposure to the youths with regards to Islamic knowledge, Islamic spirituality, Islamic fun, and propagating Islamic teachings. Through its well-structured classes, it provides essential and relatively deeper knowledge in the most important topics of Islam.

The content of the classes is particularly relevant for today’s youths to meet the practical challenges they face on a daily basis, as well as the ideological challenges that comes from the media and other sources. The friendly and knowledgeable mentors facilitate this learning by initiating thought-provoking discussions, answering doubts, and sharing their own experiences. The various workshops and visits to different scholars, exhibitions and institutions exposes the participants to new ideas on how Islam can be applied and propagated today in the most attractive way.

Of course, halal fun is also an essential part of the course, and different recreational and sporting activities are arranged for a very enjoyable and memorable experience!

Deeper Knowledge

Acquire a much deeper and significant amount of Islamic knowledge on various crucial subjects, including aqaid (theology), ahkaam (jurisprudence and law), akhlaq (ethics), as well as other exciting novel topics relevant to modern day.

New Outlook

Develop an understanding of the profound Islamic worldview and outlook on life – Basically, learn to see the world though an Islamic lens.

Balanced Life

Learn to adopt the ideal Islamic lifestyle, which takes into consideration all aspects of the human being, i.e. your spiritual, physical, mental, social and emotional well-being.


Meet other youths and members of various organisations to share your experience, learn to work as a team and discover innovative ways to help your Muslim Community

Islamic Spirituality

Get help in your spiritual journey at the hands of reliable and approved spiritual teachers of akhlaq– A unique opportunity for a lifetime change.

Tabligh Resources

Strengthen your skills and gain resources for a more effective tabligh effort to spread the beautiful teachings of Islam

Why Bab al-Ridha intensive short course?

Various types of programs and courses are organised throughout the year, with the help of Allah (s), to help cater the intellectual and spiritual needs of the youths of our communities.

Bab al-Ridha intensive short courses provides a different type of exposure to the youths with regards to Islamic knowledge, Islamic spirituality, Islamic fun, and propagating Islamic teachings. Through its well-structured classes, it provides essential and relatively deeper knowledge in the most important topics of Islam.

The content of the classes is particularly relevant for today’s youths to meet the practical challenges they face on a daily basis, as well as the ideological challenges that comes from the media and other sources. The friendly and knowledgeable mentors facilitate this learning by initiating thought-provoking discussions, answering doubts, and sharing their own experiences. The various workshops and visits to different scholars, exhibitions and institutions exposes the participants to new ideas on how Islam can be applied and propagated today in the most attractive way.

Of course, halal fun is also an essential part of the course, and different recreational and sporting activities are arranged for a very enjoyable and memorable experience!

BRisc Background

BRisc was an innitiative taken by a group of students from the Hawzah Ilmiyyah of Qum. In the year 2013, after having witnessed a deep sense of need for true knowledge and correct Islamic ideology among pro-active youths in various communities across the globe.

Since then, the very dedicated team has delivered an intensive short course every winter for the last 6 years to youths from across the globe, including East Africa, UK, Canada, Australia, Pakistan and Dubai.

After BRisc 3 in 2015, the team expanded its capacity-building efforts by organising classes for Hawzah students, thus strengthening the knowledge and skills of future teachers and muballigheen who have left their cities to pursue Islamic knowledge.

This led to the establishment of the Bab al-Ridha Institute, a non-profitable institute dedicated to support the intellectual and spiritual needs of Muslims, particularly the youths, whether those studying within the Hawzahs or those involved in various community activities in their own cities.

At the present time, Bab al-Ridha Institute is working on many projects, other than the 2 mentionned above, such as online learning, writing academic textbooks for Islamic content, research and much more.

The experience gained from previous courses, as well as the expansion of the team and various facilities, has enabled BRisc to improve every year, giving a lot of hope for the future courses, with the help of Allah (s).

The Team

The team of organisers is made up of Hawzah students who have been involved in various tabligh activities and have a good experience in teaching, preaching and working with youths at different levels.
A distinguishing characteristic of this team is the importance they give to consultation and seeking advice from senior scholars of our various communities. The team also benefits from important feedback from renowned and accepted spiritual teachers.
These students have come from different regions around the world and have seen the various community problems and ideological challenges the Muslims currently face. This experience has had a major impact in the outline and content of this course.

Would you like to read about the previous
Bab al-Ridha courses in more details?

Download the report here.